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Chris Chubb

Chris Chubb is an abstract artist whose painting and sculpture is inspired by the majesty of nature, light, color, geometric forms, and the divinity underlying it all. His primary medium is acrylic paint on wooden panels, which gives his work a smooth, uncluttered look. This underscores the overarching intent he has for all his work: to distill the essential qualities of his subject; and ideally to transport the viewer beyond the material plane, towards tranquility and contemplation.

His series, “Horizons,” focuses on horizons and their illusory nature. The many paintings in the series explore horizons as they appear in the vast canvas of nature, especially the interplay between refracted light and the ultimate color fields: the sea, sky, and sun.

Chris has had several solo exhibitions over the past few years; and in 2023 he was among an esteemed group of international artists when his sculpture “Quantum Reef” was chosen to be included in the Underwater Museum of Art (UMA), in the Gulf of Mexico (the first such undersea project in the country). In the summer of 2023, his sculpture was installed 58 feet below the water’s surface as part of the UMA sculpture garden. It is now part of an artificial reef off the coast of Florida’s Grayton Beach State Park, which provides a much-needed habitat for marine life.

Chris is a design/build professional, who studied at USC and Georgia Tech, where he received his Bachelor of Architecture. His extensive training and diverse experience in the field have proved an ideal foundation for his art, allowing him to create work that connects the realms of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).


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The Underwater Museum of Art is a permanent sculpture park located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico off Grayton Beach State Park, in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The museum’s exhibits lie within a mile of the shore at a depth of ~58 feet.

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