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By Artist

Vince Tatum

SWARA SKULL designer Vince Tatum’s career as an Art Director and Production Designer in the film industry, along with being a NAUI DIVE MASTER, make “the UMA project a diver’s dream.” Standing 8 feet tall, “SWARA Skull” will have a stainless steel jaw, nasal cavity and eye sockets, which will be the shape of Southern Stingrays. The dome of the skull will be cast of clean cement embedded with limestone to attract corals. “For a diver, one of the most exciting things to do is shine your dive-light in a dark hole and see who is staring back at you,” said Tatum. “A large skull covered in coral and marine growth, teeming with life, makes for one hell of a photo-op.”

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Created by

Vince Tatum

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